The Biomethane Industrial Partnership updated its Modus Operandi, prioritising openness and collaboration

Brussels, 14th of February, 2024. The Biomethane Industrial Partnership has updated its Modus Operandi, which describes the working procedure of BIP Task Forces from kick off to adopting final deliverables. The update was made with a view to broaden participation in Task Forces and enhance openness in the deliverable drafting process.

The Biomethane Industrial Partnership has recently updated its Modus Operandi, which provides a detailed explanation of the working procedure of the BIP Task Forces, and describes the steps that are taken from starting up a Task Force to adopting its final deliverables. This new Modus Operandi replaces the old one, and is included updated in the section 3.3 of the Work Programme. The update was made with a view to broaden participation in Task Forces and enhance openness in the deliverable drafting process, ensuring that all interested stakeholders, representing the different perspectives at stake on each BIP work stream, are granted a role in the BIP upon membership application (no longer subject to time limits), based on their competences and desired level of commitment.

Under the new Modus Operandi, the six Task Forces established by the BIP are open to an unlimited number and types of members, provided that they subscribe to the goal of the BIP[1] and possess relevant expertise, with the sole exception of Task Force 1 in the light of its peculiar scope, whose membership will still be limited to public authorities appointed by the national governments, representatives of the European Commission and the European Biogas Association.

All interested parties have the possibility to apply for Task Force membership at any time during the lifetime of the task force by completing the on-line application form accessible through the BIP website.

Task Forces operate within defined timelines and work towards achieving pre-determined deliverables set forth in the annual work plan. The development of deliverables follows a structured process, starting with the creation of a “Scope of Work” document outlining the goals, approach, and timelines for each activity. In the preparatory work of the deliverables, broad consultation (e.g. online webinar or workshop) could be carried to ensure adequate consideration of all perspectives involved.

For their finalisation, deliverables undergo multiple rounds of review and consultation, encompassing inputs from Task Force members, the Commission, and BIP members. This consultation process ensures that deliverables are comprehensive and well-referenced, before they are submitted to the Governing Board for final approval.


[1] The goal of the Biomethane Industrial Partnership is to support the achievement of the target of 35 billion cubic metres annual production and use of sustainable biomethane by 2030, and to create the preconditions for a further ramp-up of its potential towards 2050.