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Factsheet Task Force 3

Feedstock production on marginal and contaminated land – An EU wide potential assessment | Factsheet

Consult the factsheet on the untapped potential of cultivating biomass on EU marginal and contaminated lands accompanying the Task Force 3.2 report.
Slidedeck Task Force 6

UA law and EU requirements | Slidedeck

Task Force 6 hosted a workshop to provide an educational session for economic operators on the newly enacted biomethane export legislation in Ukraine and its legal requirements. The presented slides can be downloaded here.
Factsheet Task Force 3

A methodology to identify sustainable biomethane feedstocks | Factsheet

Consult the factsheet on a methodology to identify sustainable biomethane feedstocks accompanying the Task Force 3.4 report.
Report Task Force 3

A methodology to identify sustainable biomethane feedstocks

Task Force 3.4 prepared the deliverable 'A methodology to identify sustainable biomethane feedstocks' on how to identify sustainable biomethane feedstocks.

The BIP and the Task Forces | Leaflet

Want to learn more about the BIP and its Task Forces? Consult the Biomethane Industrial Partnership leaflet about its mission and activities.
Slidedeck Task Force 5

Improving digestate valorisation: novel technologies and research needs | Report Launch Slidedeck

The Biomethane Industrial Partnership hosted the launch of the Task Force 5.2 report 'Improving digestate valorisation: novel technologies and research needs' on September 18, during the ESNI Conference 2024. The presented slides of this event can be downloaded here.
Report Task Force 5

Improving digestate valorisation: novel technologies and research needs

Task Force 5.2 prepared the deliverable ‘Improving digestate valorisation: novel technologies and research needs’, focused on leveraging research and innovation to enhance the economic and environmental value of digestate, a by-product of the anaerobic digestion process.
Report Task Force 4

Optimising the cost of biomethane grid injection

Task Force 4.4 prepared the deliverable ‘Optimising the cost of biomethane grid injection’, focused on optimising the cost of injecting biomethane into the European gas grid.

BIP EUBCE 2024 Session | Slidedeck

The Biomethane Industrial Partnership hosted the session 'EU Feedstock Potential for Sustainable Biomethane' on June 26, during the European Biomass Conference & Exhibition in Marseille. The presented slides of this event can be downloaded here.

Biomethane & Energy Communities | Leaflet

Want to know about Biomethane & Energy communities? Read the leaflet of the BIP's European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) 2024 policy session.
Factsheet Task Force 5

Biomethane Pretreatment Technologies | Factsheet

Consult the factsheet on biomethane pretreatment technologies accompanying the Task Force 5.1 report on 'Innovative technologies for biomethane production - review of the current state of the art'
Factsheet Task Force 2

Accelerating Biomethane Permitting | Factsheet

Consult the factsheet on accelerating biomethane permitting accompanying the Task Force 2 report on the barriers that often hinder effective and swift permitting procedures and good practices for streamlining them.
Report Task Force 4

Biogenic CO₂: The role of the biomethane industry in satisfying a growing demand

Task Force 4.1 prepared an in-depth study on 'Biogenic CO₂: The role of the biomethane industry in satisfying a growing demand'. This work focuses on the valorisation of biogenic CO₂ from biomethane production.
Report Task Force 1

Biomethane incentives and their effectiveness

Task Force 1 has prepared the first deliverable ‘Biomethane incentives and their effectiveness’, aimed to facilitate discussion among Member States on how to design and implement biomethane market incentives to maximise their impact.
Governance documents

BIP Work Programme

The BIP Work Programme serves as the official document of the Biomethane Industrial Partnership, providing guidance to steer the Partnership’s activities. The programme outlines the structure and way of working of the partnership, and describes all upcoming BIP activities, deliverables and timelines. It was lastly updated in February 2024.
Governance documents

BIP Modus Operandi

The Biomethane Industrial Partnership Modus Operandi document describes the way of working of BIP Task Forces. It outlines the steps that are taken from starting up a Task Force to adopting its final deliverables. It was lastly updated in February 2024.
Report Task Force 3

Feedstock production on marginal and contaminated land – An EU wide potential assessment

This Task Force 3.2 report investigates the untapped potential of cultivating biomass on marginal lands, focusing on degraded and contaminated areas across Europe, including a review of the most recent EU-funded project and scientific publications.
Report Task Force 5

Innovative technologies for biomethane production

The 'Innovative technologies for biomethane production - review of the current state of the art' report is developed by Task Force 5.1. This report presents a review of the current state of the art, and discusses the technological gaps and recommendations for innovative biomethane production technologies.
Report Task Force 2

Accelerating biomethane permitting

Task Force 2 of the BIP analysed the barriers that often hinder effective and swift permitting procedures and identified good practices for streamlining them, thereby accelerating biomethane projects.
Report Task Force 2

A vision on how to accelerate biomethane project development

Task Force 2 of the BIP has investigated key factors that can accelerate biomethane project development and investments in Europe.
Report Task Force 4

Insights into the current costs of biomethane production from real industry data | Full study

This report offers the full overview of Task Force 4.2’s study on current biomethane production costs obtained through real industry data. Only want to read the highlights? Download the Executive Summary document.
Report Task Force 4

Insights into the current costs of biomethane production from real industry data | Executive Summary

The Executive Summary describes the key findings of the Task Force 4.2’s study on current biomethane production costs obtained through real industry data. Want to read the whole study? Download the TF4 slidedeck!

European Biomethane Week 2023 | BIP Flyer

During the European Biomethane Week the Biomethane Industrial Partnership showcased their latest flyer. Read everything about our latest work and other updates!

Biomethane | Factsheet

Want to know the latest insight on Biomethane? Read the Biomethane Industrial Partnership flyer with the latest facts and figures.

BIP Technical launch | Slidedeck

The technical launch event of the Biomethane Industrial Partnership took place Brussels in October 2022. Industry leaders, policy makers and other stakeholders from across the EU gathered to present and discuss the BIP governance structure and its Work Programme. The presented slides of this event can be downloaded here.

Get to know the BIP | Flyer

The European Commission, Member States and industry leaders launched the Biomethane Industrial Partnership. This new partnership supports the implementation of the REPowerEUplan, including the target to increase annual production and use of biomethane to 35 bcm by 2030. Get involved! Join the Biomethane Industrial Partnership as a member to enable the production and uptake of sustainable biomethane in Europe.
European Commission Governance documents

REPowerEU Plan

As part of its REPowerEU plan, the European Commission proposed a rapid acceleration of renewable energy including 35 bcm biomethane by 2030 and a new Biomethane Industrial Partnership to ‘support the achievement of the target and create the preconditions for a further ramp up towards 2050’. The biomethane value chain welcomes the biomethane target and the public-private partnership.
European Commission Governance documents

Biomethane Action Plan

The Biomethane Action Plan was published by the European Commission as an integral component of the REPowerEU Plan. The document calls for the establishment of the Biomethane Industrial Partnership to reach the ambitious target of 35 bcm biomethane target by 2030.
Governance documents

Biomethane Declaration

The Biomethane Declaration was published by a wider group of 30 companies and organisations, coordinated by European Biogas Association and Common Futures, calling for a scale-up of biomethane to 35bcm. Subsequently, this target was endorsed by the European Commission, which published the RepowerEU plan.