Join the Webinar “Biogenic CO₂: The role of the biomethane industry in satisfying a growing demand” on April 9, 2024, 10:00-11:10 CET

Brussels, 7th of March. The Biomethane Industrial Partnership is thrilled to announce its upcoming webinar, scheduled on the 9th of April, from 10:00 to 11:10 am CET, on the growing demand for biogenic CO₂ and how biomethane production can satisfy a significant share of this demand.

The focal point of this webinar will be the launch of the study by Task Force 4.1 on biogenic CO₂, offering an in-depth analysis of the biomethane industry’s contribution to address its growing demand. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Presentation of the study by Common Futures illustrating the demand for CO₂, elaborating on BioCO₂ from biomethane, and discussing the role of markets & certification
  • Biogenic CO₂ business cases will be presented by leading organisations (STX Group, Carbonaide, Nippon Gases and Methanol Institute)
  • The Q&A session will provide an opportunity for all participants to contribute to the discussion

Join us to dive deeper into these findings and contribute to the discussion! Feel free to extend this invitation to interested colleagues.