Task Force 5

Identifying the current status of R, D&I to improve biomethane production

Task Force 5

Continuous research, development and innovation (R, D&I) are important for future growth and to increase Europe’s strategic autonomy in green technology. Task Force 5 works to identify the current status of R, D&I in biomethane production and what is needed for innovation to be commercialised. This Task Force is characterised by a significant presence of academia, associations and technology providers.

The subgroups of Task Force 5

Task Force 5 comprises three subgroups:

  • TF 5.1 focuses on evaluating current innovative technologies, including thermochemical, biochemical/electrochemical and biological technologies, for biomethane production and its subsequent commercialization;
  • TF 5.2 concentrates on improving and enabling the valorization of digestate;
  • TF 5.3 is dedicated to improving methanation technology to facilitate the valorisation of biogenic CO2, as well as the integrated production of biomethane and green hydrogen.

The first published report of Task Force 5.1: Innovative technologies for biomethane production – review of the current state of the art

Task Force 5.1 of the BIP prepared a review of the current state of the art of innovative biomethane production technologies, including technologies for pre-treatment, conversion, and post-conversion, identifying gaps and offering recommendations for further research and innovation. Key technological advancements are crucial for meeting the target of 35 bcm of biomethane by 2030. A dedicated webinar served as the platform for presenting the findings outlined in the report.


Download the latest report from Task Force 5. This report was officially launched on the 7th of December.