Task Force 5.1 launches report on the current state of the art of biomethane innovative technologies

Brussels, 7th of December, 2023. The Biomethane Industrial Partnership publishes today its report “Review of the current state of the art in innovative technologies for biomethane production”. The report was prepared by Task Force 5.1 and offers and assessment of current innovative technologies for biomethane production.

The Biomethane Industrial Partnership publishes today its report “Review of the current state of the art in innovative technologies for biomethane production”, outlining key technological advancements crucial for meeting the target of 35 bcm of biomethane by 2030. The report stems from the collaborative work of Task Force 5.1, co-chaired by European Commission, DG RTD, on assessing current innovative technologies for biomethane production. It was presented today in a dedicated webinar.

Marcus Gustafsson, Associate Professor of Linköping University and leader of Task force 5.1, said: “Given the right resources and support, there are many emerging technologies that could contribute towards the 35 bcm target.”

Stefano Proietti, Senior Researcher at ISINNOVA and rapporteur of Task Force 5.1, stated:  “The review of innovative technologies for biomethane production represents an important milestone to consolidate the present knowledge, challenges and opportunities, showing needs for further research and orienting the latter towards more promising solutions to increase diversification and cost-effectiveness.”

The REPowerEU Plan’s call for 35 bcm of biomethane production by 2030 demands significant technological advancements. The published report presents a review of the current state of the art of innovative biomethane production technologies, including technologies for pre-treatment, conversion, and post-conversion, identifying gaps and offering recommendations for further research and innovation. It underscores the role of innovative technologies in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and diversifying the supply chain through new feedstocks. Addressing policy considerations, such as regulatory gaps related to algae use as biomethane feedstock, is crucial. Economic support, via subsidies and taxation adjustments, is pivotal for the competitiveness of innovative technologies against fossil fuels’ current pricing. Furthermore, the report emphasises the need for research into the integration of biogas and biomethane production with technologies like CO₂ from biogas upgrading and hydrogen production. It calls for a diverse technology portfolio beyond anaerobic digestion, stressing the ongoing need for further research and innovation. This approach mitigates supply risks, given that it increases the biomethane feedstock basis, secures raw material supply, and promotes cost-competitive biomethane production.

Today’s report not only signifies a comprehensive review of the state of the art but also serves as a roadmap toward achieving the 35 bcm target. As research and innovation take center stage, the collective efforts of industry experts, researchers, and policymakers remain instrumental in realising the necessary advancements to fulfill the REPowerEU Plan’s objectives.


For those who missed the webinar, the recording is now available for review.