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Slidedeck Task Force 5

Improving digestate valorisation: novel technologies and research needs | Report Launch Slidedeck

The Biomethane Industrial Partnership hosted the launch of the Task Force 5.2 report 'Improving digestate valorisation: novel technologies and research needs' on September 18, during the ESNI Conference 2024. The presented slides of this event can be downloaded here.
Report Task Force 5

Improving digestate valorisation: novel technologies and research needs

Task Force 5.2 prepared the deliverable ‘Improving digestate valorisation: novel technologies and research needs’, focused on leveraging research and innovation to enhance the economic and environmental value of digestate, a by-product of the anaerobic digestion process.
Factsheet Task Force 5

Biomethane Pretreatment Technologies | Factsheet

Consult the factsheet on biomethane pretreatment technologies accompanying the Task Force 5.1 report on 'Innovative technologies for biomethane production - review of the current state of the art'
Report Task Force 5

Innovative technologies for biomethane production

The 'Innovative technologies for biomethane production - review of the current state of the art' report is developed by Task Force 5.1. This report presents a review of the current state of the art, and discusses the technological gaps and recommendations for innovative biomethane production technologies.