The BIP Support Group is expanding, Task Force members to cast their votes

Brussels, 26th of January, 2023. Starting in February, 8 new companies will be strengthening the Support Group of the Biomethane Industrial Partnership (BIP) for the coming 2 years. The new members will be a valuable addition to the Support Group which currently consists of 12 companies and the EBA, representing the European biomethane value chain.  The group plays a vital role in the partnership by contributing to the work and deliverables of the BIP, providing co-chairs for each Task Force, appointing members to the Governing Board plus supporting their decision making, and financially supporting the secretariat. 

Starting today and running until the 1st of February, all organisations that are currently a member of one of the five Task Forces, will be able to cast their votes electronically to select the 8 new members of the Support Group. You can find below the list of candidates in an alphabetical order:

  1. Air Liquide (France)
  2. BPC Instruments (Sweden)
  3. Engie (France)
  4. Future Biogas (Ireland)
  5. Gasum (Finland)
  6. PKN Orlen (Poland)
  7. Qlab (Greece)
  8. Scandinavian Biogas Fuels (Sweden)
  9. ViGo Bioenergy – Vitol (Germany)
  10. VNG AG – EnBW (Germany)

The selected new members of the BIP Support Group will be officially announced on the 3rd of February. You can learn more about the candidates by reading their profiles and motivation here.