Brussels, 20th of November, 2022. The BIP Support Group is looking for 8 additional members. The group currently consists of 12 companies + EBA, and represents the European biomethane value chain. The group plays a vital role in the partnership by contributing to the work and deliverables of the BIP, appointing members to the Governing Board and supporting their decision making, providing co-chairs for each Task Force, and financially supporting the secretariat. All companies active in the biomethane value chain can apply as a potential new member of the Support Group until the 20th of December, 2022.
The value chain Support Group represents the biomethane value chain in the BIP and financially supports the Secretariat. The biomethane value chain is defined as all companies active in biomethane, including biomass producers, biogas and biomethane producers, gas infrastructure companies, technology providers, project developers and investors, and companies active in biomethane consumption.
Currently the Support Group consist of EBA and 12 companies: AB Impianti, CMA-CGM, EnviTec Biogas, Green Create, GRTgaz, Nature Energy, Nippon Gasses, Pietro Fiorentini, Scania, Snam/Iniziative Biometano, Total Energies and Yara. With 8 new members joining, the Support Group will reach 20 members by January 2023.
The group plays a vital role in the partnership by contributing and supporting to the governance, work and deliverables of the BIP. The Support group has three main tasks:
The Support Group Membership and The Selection Process
When electing SG members the following criteria for membership and compostion will apply:
The membership of the Support Group will rotate every two years, and the selection of SG members will take place through voting by all company members of the BIP Task Forces.
All companies active in the biomethane value chain can apply for the Support Group membership until the 20th of December, 2022 by sending an email to