Brussels, 25th of October, 2022. Today the technical launch event of the Biomethane Industrial Partnership took place in Brussels. Industry leaders, policy makers and other stakeholders from across the EU gathered to present and discuss the BIP governance structure and its Work Programme (download the Work Programme and the slides of the technical launch event here).
Agricultural Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski delivered an opening statement in which he highlighted:
“Biomethane is a win-win: improving energy security, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and providing economic opportunities to rural areas.”
Tom Howes of DG Energy then presented the modus operandi of the BIP, followed by a description of the five BIP Task Forces and their activities by Harmen Dekker, CEO of European Biogas Association.
The kick-off meeting was concluded by a panel debate in which members of the BIP Governing Board took part: Tom Howes (European Commission, DG ENER), Harmen Dekker (EBA), Domenico Maggi (Snam) & Lars Kaspersen (Nature Energy).
The work has started. Join one of the Task Forces or become or stay involved by becoming an associate member!